Mr. Saket Mani

Mr. Saket Mani
UN Women Youth Champion, Founding Member of Name A Million for A Billion

He serves as the Youth Planet 50/50 Champion for gender equality to support UN Women’s work through the office of the United Nations Assistant Secretary General and Deputy Director of the UN Women. He mobilised more than 150,000 people to pledge and commit for the ‘HeForShe’ campaign, the UN Women’s Solidarity Movement for Gender Equality. He organized and conceptualised the first series of public Youth Dialogues on Gender Equality with UN Assistant Secretary-General in Chennai and Delhi. His work on Gender Equality especially on engaging men & boys has positioned India as the leading country globally in the HeForShe movement as recognized by UN Women. Recognizing his work and achievement, UN Women made a short film on his advocacy in India which was showcased at the high level HeForShe 2nd Anniversary Celebration attended by prominent Heads of Governments and celebrities during the 71st UN General Assembly.